14 Essential Ways of Loving Yourself More

Essential Ways of Loving Yourself More
closeup of a man holding a black heart-shaped sign with the text I love me written in it, on a pink background

Perhaps you grew up hating some things about yourself; There are essential ways of loving yourself more. However, loving yourself so much is the greatest gift you can ever give yourself.

You may either hate how you smile/laugh, or hate how you look, or hate your physique, and many other minor or major things you may/might think it’s not cool with you that you hate so much.

You not loving yourself might also be due to some things that have been eating you up always to make you think and feel less of yourself.

It’s high time you let go of such mean thoughts someone may have once said to you and start loving yourself more.

In this article, I will show you essential ways to loving yourself more. Enjoy!

14 Essential Ways of Loving Yourself More

Below are 14 essential ways of loving yourself more

1. Start by Telling Yourself You Are Beautiful and Priceless as Often as Possible

When you do this, you emit such vibes to anyone coming into your life and make them know you are not to be treated like trash, or like you are not worthy.

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Once you come to terms with how beautiful and priceless you are, no one can ever talk you down about who you really are on the inside and how you love yourself so much.

They would have no choice but to love flowing with the vibes of how beautiful and priceless you are. This brings out so much happiness in you

2. Have Keen Knowledge of Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is one of the ways to help you love yourself more, keeping in mind that no one is perfect, and you shouldn’t be.

This is because nobody can easily make you feel less of yourself if you have the strength to be confident, and no one can talk you down or manipulate you when you know your weaknesses and ways to overcome them.

3. Never Make the Mistake of Comparing Yourself to Anyone

Most times, you might feel so bad, especially when your peers are or might be doing way better than you.

You need to know within yourself that you are not running the same race. Hence you should never make the mistake of comparing yourself to others.

4. Be Grateful for the Things You Have

Gratitude opens doors for more things to come. Hence, you need to be grateful for the small and big things you have in your life.

Never think you don’t have things to be grateful for. There are so many countless and enormous things to be grateful for. And when you do, it helps bring out your inner beauty and more of your strengths.

5. Never Belittle Yourself

Belittling yourself, it’s one of the ways to feel so less unworthy. Therefore, making you feel there’s nothing good to love about yourself.

You shouldn’t let this happen. Each day endeavor to tell yourself good and beautiful things like you’re a wonderful person, everything about you is fantastic, etc. This is one of the easiest ways to a successful life

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6. Invest More in Empowering Yourself

There’s no greater joy compared to being empowered and independent. Loving yourself also means asides from the present, you greatly care about the future ahead of you.

So therefore, it is very paramount to develop yourself in ways you think might help you become empowered and independent in the long run.

7. Remind Yourself of Your Accomplishments

This is not a means to be boastful or arrogant. But by reminding yourself every now and then of things you may have accomplished.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a small or big accomplishment. This helps you know how far you have come and encourages you not to give up on yourself, especially when things don’t go as you may have planned.

8. Always Be Confident

Being confident doesn’t mean you will start being proud and all. But loving yourself greatly requires that you are not timid when some situation arises.

More so, endeavor to always be confident and not cower in daring situations. Stand up for yourself whenever you have to and you need to.

9. Cultivate the Habit of Being With Family and Friends Who Bring Out the Best in You Always

You and any other individual, most of the time, tend to listen more to what people say or what our friends and families think about us.

When you surround yourself more often with people that remind you of your strengths, and your little or big successes, you tend to blossom more and love yourself for yourself.

10. Do Not Be Overly Concerned by What People Think and Say About You

The fastest and easiest ticket to having an unhappy life is always to be mindful of what people say and think of you.

To love yourself, don’t completely heed the negative things others may or might say about you. Always allow positive vibes only and always.

11. Endeavor Always to Eat a Healthy Diet

Most folks tend to start hating themselves when they start adding up due to unhealthy body fats here and there.

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Hence, it is very crucial to eat more healthy foods daily. And if at you may have added too much body fat in the past, it’s not too late to hit the gym and get that gorgeous body you have always wanted.

12. Learn Always to Let Go of the Past

Dwelling on the past only weighs you and hinders you from moving forward. To love yourself more, let go of anything bad or ugly that had happened to you in the past over which you have no control over.

The lesser you brood over things you have no control over, the easier it is for you to embrace yourself with all the love you have to offer and so much more.

13. Learn to Have Your Alone Moments

You must spare time now and then have alone time. This is paramount in ways of loving yourself. It shows self-love and care.

Because it enables you to analyze areas about you that you need improvement on and ways to be a better version of yourself.

14. Ask for Genuine Assistance Whenever You Feel Lost

There’s no big deal in asking for assistance or advice from people who seem older or who may guide you in words and the right path to follow.

Nobody knows it all, so always strive to seek others’ opinions who may mean and also wish you well.

Final Words

Remember, it’s only you who can truly love yourself for you. It’s how you present yourself to be loved that others would treat and love you the same way and manner.

Being confident, saying affirmative words, having alone moments and letting go of the past are essential ways of loving yourself more.

Most times, it might be better than you love yourself, and other times it might be worse. The choice is yours today to make, so choose wisely.

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