6 Great Signs Your Partner Is Destroying You Emotionally

Great Signs Your Partner Is Destroying You Emotionally
Great Signs Your Partner Is Destroying You Emotionally

Having peace of mind in all aspects of life is the most important thing ever. Maintaining some sort of sanity in all you do is even more paramount.

Hence, being in a relationship and your partner is depriving you of the aforementioned, shouldn’t be allowed.

It’s so draining and depressing when your partner is destroying you emotionally either intentionally or unintentionally. But most of the time, the former is the case.

And because you supposedly love your partner so much. You will stop being yourself because you want to make them happy.

Or you simply want him/her to love you more or see you more worthy of being the right partner for them.

This is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed. You should never, I repeat never be someone else.

Simply because you want to please your partner, who is destroying you in one way or another by, playing some emotional games on you.

Signs Your Partner Is Destroying You Emotionally

Therefore, below are some key essential signs your partner is destroying you emotionally;

1. Your Partner Tends to Have Unnecessary Mood Swings Towards You

This is so annoying! In the sense that, one minute the both of you are so cool, probably laughing, playing, and talking.

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And the next minute, you see your partner just going moody like a cloud changing all of a sudden.

Because it’s going to rain soon….and you can’t help but stare at your partner’s face, thinking what’s wrong and all?

In the process, your mind starts hovering with different thoughts on if you have done or said something wrong?

And you start asking what seems to be the matter or sudden change of attitude towards you?

Yet he/she ignores you. Or completely say, there’s nothing wrong. Or you just find them not even answer you.

This is bad, and you should never allow such from your partner. He/she is destroying you emotionally and feels it’s cool they do so.

Because they feel you love them and would want to do anything to get back at you or have their way.

2. Your Partner Deprives You of Associating With Others

The mere fact that you are in a relationship, doesn’t mean you are in prison. Therefore, once your partner starts pointing out who you should hang out with, and who you shouldn’t hang out with.

When to go out, and when not to go out, then you need to stop and sit yourself down and ask yourself some crucial questions, on if it’s cool your partner treats you this way, and what you can do about it.

One of the signs of a healthy relationship, is you should feel free to associate with whoever you want to associate with, hang out with whoever you want to hang out with.

As long as such persons are not toxic to your mental growth and are not an obstacle to the growth and progress of your Relationship. Why not?

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Hence, if your partner gets cranky and starts raising eyebrows whenever you hang out with your friends and associate with others and starts making you feel you are committing a great sin by doing so.

Then it’s a sign he/she is destroying you emotionally and you shouldn’t allow such from your partner.

3. When He/She Always Gets Jealous Over Almost Everything

It’s cool and normal to feel and get jealous of your partner. But when it now becomes, too excessive more often than not over things that your partner can easily overlook. Then it means they are playing some emotional games on you.

Making you feel like the valiant. And want you to bend into pleasing them and doing what they want.

You shouldn’t allow this from your partner, it’s not emotionally good for you.

4.  When He/She Always Picks up Arguments With You Over Little Things

Having misunderstandings in romantic relationships is inevitable. You and your partner can’t always agree on the same set of things every time.

It takes patience and some sort of compromise to reach a balance and agree on something together.

But on the other hand, if all your partner does is pick on you over simple things such as; who are you on the phone with? Who are you chatting with?

Over why did you spend time with your friends for so long? And a whole lot of things.

In which you will be uncomfortable and start explaining why you did what you did.

Then you should know, it’s a sign he/she is destroying you emotionally. And it shouldn’t be tolerated.

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5. You Seem Nervous Around Your Partner

When this starts happening often than normal. When you start thinking of how best to place a conversation before your partner.

And you feel terrified to even open up about how you feel with your partner, then it’s a sign you’re not emotionally stable.

And your partner is not giving you that freedom to speak with them freely and easily.

It’s terrible, and it’s one of the ways in which he/she is destroying you emotionally.

6. Your Partner Makes You Feel You Are the Problem

This is such terrible blackmail from whom you love.

In the sense that, he/she feels it’s cool to make you go through all sorts of emotional stress, and then at the end of the day, you are seen as a bad person.

Or made to think and believe you are the problem and reason behind why he/she behaves the way they do towards you.

This is so wrong in all aspects and shouldn’t be allowed from and by your partner.

When this happens often than not, you’re being destroyed emotionally and would feel drained and lost on what to do. You shouldn’t allow this.

Final Words

Sometimes it may be hard for us to accept that our partners are affecting our emotionally health. This may be as a result of our denial of the destructive behaviors our partners may possess.

We have identified some major signs that indicate that your partner is destroying you emotionally and advice you take actions on it for your peace of mind.

We hope you found it useful, if your did do share with you friends and family on all your social media platforms.

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